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It's Alright...

When the sentences are completed and everything is right, you will see this icon flying away

Check A counter will increase near this small check


It's Alright, but faster...

When the sentences are completed and everything is right and when you achieve it faster than ever, you will see this icon flying away

Here you will be recorded


Whole Word...

If you guess the whole sentence with no mistakes you get the "whole word" icon and you will see it flying away.

Check A counter will increase near this small star


Time is out...

If the time was not enough you can not go ahead anymore, the game will reveal you the words, and remember it with this flying icon. And of course you will lose a life for ever.



When the sentence is hard to guess and you arm the hanging puppet, you will hang yourself with no more remedy that loose another life.

If you lose all 3 lifes you will lose the game.

